Roxy's Textbook 1~2
Image See original images Texts Human | Demon-God Language Base Language (Basque | Zulu ) Gureinguruan Eman inguruan deabruak antikuluak. Hiztegia handitzea atzerriko hizkuntzak ikasteko lasterbidea da. Kuyini lokhu Zer da hau? Inkemba lena Hau ezpata da. Ingabe lokhu luyinkemba Ezpata al hau? Cha ugwai lona Ez, hau tabakoa da. ... Ritkuluak Ingabe le yincwadi Hau liburua al da? Yebo lena incwadi Bai, hau liburu bat da. Ngiyabona Eskerrik asko. Wamukelekile Ez, horregatik. ... Translation (Eng/Kor) Around us Look at the traditional items of the surrounding demons. Increasing vocabulary is a shortcut to learning foreign languages. What is this? What is this? This is a sword. This is a sword. Is this a sword? Is this a sword? No, this is tabacco. No, this is tabacco. Articles Is this a book? Is this a book? Yes, this is a book. Yes, this is a book. Thank you. Thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome. ... ... 우리 주변에 주변 마족들의 전통적인 물건들을 살펴보세요. 어휘를 늘리는 것은 다른 외국어 학습의 지름길입니다. 이것은 무엇인...