A Textbook in Magic (1~2p)


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  • See original images (TVA/VOD)


Human Language

Base Language (Basque/English)

  • Basque

    Kantu magikoetan

    Sorginkeria borokaten artea da. Haren satorria tehen gizakiaren magia gerrara doala esan ohi da. Giza arraza deabruaren arraza eta demonio arraza gizakiaren aurka egiteko, magia sortu dute eta bata betearen aurka aritu dira. Ekarren lehian zeudenez, magio magiko altuago batera garatu zuten, eta hiltzeko eta zauritzeko erabilo ahal izan zuen, edo gauza eskasak sortu ziren gorputzaren atalak berehala berres kuratzeko. Niretzat pertsonalki, sorginkeria pertsonen bizilza hobetzeko modu gisa ikusten dut, ez soilik borroka, baina beste behin aipatuko dut.

    Magia motei buruz

    Hiru sorginkeria mota nagusi daude: sorginkeriari eraso egitea, sorginkeria sendatzea eta sorginkeria deitzea. Erasoko sorginkeria literalki sorginkeria da aurkariari eraso egiteko. Sendatzeko magia izaki bazidunak eta landareak sendatzeko magia da. Sorginkeria deitzea magia da beste toki batz uetatik munstroak eta izpirituak deitzeko. Liburu honek erasoen magia eta sendatze magia jorratzen ditu matez ere.

    Magia aktibatzeko baldintzak eta mekanismoak

    Magia aktibatzeko bi modu daude.


    Egungo deialdi nagudiko metodoa chanting da. Chanting ek botere magikoaren fluxua eta existentzia argitzen ditu hitzak bezala erabiliko diren magiaren elementuak adieraz. Agerian uzteko eginkiz una da. Magia aktibatzeko, gorp utz ean da ukaz un botere magikoaz ondo jakin behar duzu eta, botez ere, zehatzak izan behaz duzu zure kantu adieraz peneten. Kantuak ezinbestekoak dira. Kantuak sorginkerien esku utzi zituen aspakditik, eta horren ingurgko hitz garrantzitsua da sehen gizona munstroen gerraren inguruan kantatzea oraingoa baino luzeagoa eta konplexuagoa izanzen. Lehen gizona munstroen gerraren inguruan kantatzea egungo ezaguna baino luzeagoa eta konplexuagoa zenez, sorgina ondoren deskribatzen da. Ezertarako eta gutxiagoat jotzen zen behin magioaren

  • English (=TVA/VOD)

    On magical chanting

    Witchcraft is the art of fighting. It is said that the origin of it goes back to the first man-magic war. In order for the human race to oppose the demon race and the demon race to the oppose the human race, they have created magic and fought each other. As they competed with each other, they developed their magic to a higher level, and were able to use it to kill and in cure, or th create deficient things have been created that instantly reclaim parts of the body. For me personally, I see witchcraft as a way to improve people's lives, not just combat. But I'll mention this another time.

    About the types of magic

    There are three main types of sorcery : attack sorcery, healing sorcery, and summoning sorcery. Attack sorcery is literally sorcery to attack the opponent. Healing sorcery is the magic to heal living creatures and plants. The summoning magic is magic to summon monsters and spirits from other places. This book also deals with attack magic and healing magic.

    Conditions and Mechanisms

    for Activating Magic

    There are two ways of activating magic.


    The current mainstream method of invocation is chanting. Chanting clarifies, the flow and existence of magic power by uttering the elements of the magic to be used as words. It has the role of making manifest. In order to activate the magic, you must be firmly aware of the magic power in your body, and above all, you must be accurate in your chanting statements. the chanting is vital. Chanting has been handed down by sorcerers from long ago, and every word of it is important The chanting around the First Man-Monster's War was longer and more complex than the current one. Because the chanting around the First Man-Monster's War was longer and more complex than the current popular one, the sorcerer is described below. It was considered useless and lowly once the magician's magic

    circle, which was to be broken, <...Can't Read...>

Translation (Eng/Kor)

  • English

    On magical chanting

    Witchcraft is the art of fighting. It is said that the origin of it goes back to the First Great Human-Demon War. In order for the human race to oppose the demon race and the demon race to the oppose the human race, they have created magic and fought each other. As they competed with each other, they developed their magic to a higher level, and were able to use it to kill and in cure, or th create deficient things have been created that instantly reclaim parts of the body. For me personally, I see witchcraft as a way to improve people's lives, not just combat. But I'll mention this another time.

    About the types of magic

    There are three main types of magic : attack magic, healing magic, and summoning magic. Attack magic is literally magic to attack the opponent. Healing magic is the magic to heal living creatures and plants. The summoning magic is magic to summon monsters and spirits from other places. This book also deals with attack magic and healing magic.

    Conditions and Mechanisms for Activating Magic

    There are two ways of activating magic.


    The current mainstream method of invocation is chanting. Chanting clarifies the flow and existence of magic power by uttering the elements of the magic to be used as words. It has the role of making it manifest. In order to acticate the magic, you must be firmly aware of the magical power in your body, and above all, you must be accurate in your chanting statements. The changting is vital. Chanting has been handed down by sorcerers from long ago, and every word of it is important The chanting around the First Great Human-Demon War was longer and more complex than the current one. Because the chanting around the First Great Human-Demon War was longer and more complex than the current popular one, the sorcerer was described below. It was considered useless and lowly once the magician's magic

    circle, which was to be broken <...Can't Read...>

  • Korean

    마술 영창에 관해서

    마술은 싸움의 기술입니다. 그 기원은 제1차 인마대전으로 거슬러 올라갑니다. 인류가 마족에 대항하기 위해, 마족이 인류에 대항하기 위해 마술을 만들어 서로 싸웠습니다. 그들은 서로 경쟁하면서 더 높은 수준의 마술을 개발했으며 그것을 사용하여 죽이거나 치료하거나 신체의 결손을 즉시 재생시켰습니다. 개인적으로 저는 마술이 전투만이 아니라 사람들의 삶을 개선하는 방법이라고 생각합니다. 그러나 이것은 뒤에서 다시 다루도록 하겠습니다.

    마술의 종류에 대해

    마술에는 크게 공격 마술, 치유 마술, 그리고 소환 마술의 3가지 종류가 있습니다. 공격 마술은 말 그대로 상대를 공격하기 위한 마술입니다. 치유 마술은 생명체를 치유하기 위한 마술입니다. 소환 마술은 마수와 영혼을 다른 세계에서 소환하는 마술입니다. 이 책은 공격 마술과 치유 마술을 다룹니다.

    마술을 실행하는 조건과 기술

    마술을 실행시키는 데에는 두가지 방법이 있습니다.


    현재 주류의 발동 방법은 영창입니다. 영창은 마력의 요소를 말로 표현함으로써 마력의 흐름과 존재를 명시합니다. 명시하는 것이 중요합니다. 마술을 발동시키기 위해서는 자신의 몸에 있는 마력을 확고히 자각해야 하고, 무엇보다 정확한 발성이 필요합니다. 영창은 필수적입니다. 영창은 예로부터 마술사들에 의해 전해져 내려오고, 그 말 한마디가 중요합다. 제1차 인마대전 당시의 영창은 지금보다 더 길고 복잡했습니다. 제1차 인마대전 시기의 영창은 현재 유행하는 것보다 더 길고 복잡했기 때문에 마술사는 과소평가됐습니다.


  • Actually, if you look at the ending, there are about 3 more pages, but since it is practically impossible to read, I will call the page that appears first "1p".
  • The human language on the inside of the Blu-ray volume 1 case is the second paragraph on page 1 of the "A Textbook in Magic".

  • 사실 엔딩을 보면 3쪽 정도가 더 있긴 합니다만, 읽는것이 현실적으로 불가능하기 때문에 저는 가장 처음에 등장한 페이지를 첫 페이지라고 부르겠습니다.
  • 블루레이 1권 케이스 속지에 있는 인간어가 "마술교본" 1페이지의 두번째 문단입니다.


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