A Textbook in Magic (7~10p)


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Human Language

Base Languages (Basque/English)

  • Basque

    garrantz" itsuena da botere magikoa zen~ den. Lehenik eta behin, po~ zenbatek pertsona bakoitzak magia ~ dezakeen ahalmena eta ahalmena aip~

    < ADD LATER >

    behar duzu. Horrek magia hobeto ulertuko da.

    Urteetan zuhar magika norabide desberdinetan gauatu da eta magia modu berriak garatu dira. Sonrginkeriaren potentzia eta konulezutasuna hobetu ahala, beharrezkoa zen botere magikoan kopurua handitzen joan zen, eta sorginaren botere magikoa eta mago gisa zuen gaitasuna handitzen joan ziren. Ongi dakizuenez, biak berdinak direla esan ohi da. Hala ere, zure indur magikoa ezin baduzu handitu, lagunduko dizuten tresnak erabiltzen ikas dezakezu. Ez da ezinezkoa magia erabiltzea. Horren adibidea da "Harri magikoak". Hainbat kolore,

    tamaina eta forma dituzue, eta, batez ere, deamruen eta labirintoaren gorputzetik minak dira. Mislerio handia dago oraindik. Guztiok dute komunean harri magikoek potentzia magikoa anplifikatzeko gaitasuna dutela. Hori dela eta, nahiz eta indar magiko txikia izan, magia trikimailu oso zailak egin daitezke.

    Bestela, kristal magikoak deitzen ditugun harri magikoek beraiek dute botere magikoa, eta haiengandik botere magikoa atera dezakete. Magia aldarrikatzeko ere erabil daiteke. Botere magiko faltagatik konponbidea lortzeko modu bikaina bada ere, bere erabilkarritasuna oso garestia da. Eta hasiberriena, ideia ona da hasteko magila bat lortzea eta prakoika magikoen kantitatea zehaztasunez doituz praktikatzea. Ezin zara aldatu jaio zaren indar magikoarekin. Hala ere, oraindik ere misleriolsua den harri magikoaren mekanismoa argituta eta haren erabilera ezagututa, potentzia magikoa zenbatekoa murriztuko da. Uste dut ez dela amets bat egia izango magia kudeatzeko gai izango garela harri magikoak, tresna magikoak eta botere magikoa emateko elementuak nire liburuan

    "Harri magikoak eta labirintoak" liburuan kezkatu gabe. Horietako batzuk irakurtzera animatzen zaitut, eta sorginkeria eta, azken finean, sorginkeriaren posizioa aurreatzeko ikerketarako laguntza gisa. Gustatuko litzaidake.


    Liburu horen bidez magiaren ezagutza eta esperientzia eskuratu ahal izango dituzu eta guztiok zure kabuz ikasteko tarteko magia maila ikasiko duzu. Ugh. Hala ere, magia aurreratua baino gehiaho ikasi nahi baduzu, [Lanoa]ko Unibertsitatera joatea gomendatuko nizueke. Baliteke liburu honetatek nahikoa ikaslea bitarteko kalifikazioetarako, baina goi mailako nota lortzeko, esperientzia baino gehiago eta zure aurrekoen sakinduria beharko duzu. [Lanoa] Unibertsitatean horixe behar dugulako. Historiak etorkizuna bihurtzen da. Liburu hau harizen duten irakurlerk bitartu~ magia kudeatzen dusenuan, magia manipulatu~ izango dute guztien onurarako. Esa~ sorginkeria gai bihurtzen ari dela~


  • English (=TVA/VOD)

    ... amount of magic power. First of

    all, the amount of magical power refers to the power and capacity that each person can use magic. Be knowing not only the knowledge of magic, but also the amount of your magical power, you will be able to take the first step to becoming a full-advanced magician. I can say that you can step out of it. This is because the amount of magic power is an innate talent, and that talent cannot be nurtured. In other words, unlike the body's mechanism, which says that if you increase the amount of exercise, your physical strength will increase, you will be not to increase your magic power through effort. There is no way to train in such a way to increase the amount.

    It's been confirmed that the amount of magic is the same since birth, and that parents and children have similar faces, just as their faces are similar. If you don't know how much magic you have to invoke, you'll be able to make full use of it even if you have your knowledge of magic, cannot be said. Therefore in order to know your total amount, you need to learn the beginning and intermediate level of magic and know where your limits are. That will bring us greater understanding of magic.

    Over the years, magic has developed in many different directions and new forms of magic have been developed. As the power and complexity of witchcraft improved, the amount of magic power required increased, and the amount of magic power of the sorcerer and his ability as a magician increased. As you are well aware, it is often said that the two are equal.

    However, even if you can't increase your own magical power, you can learn to use the tools that assist you. It's not impossible to use magic that exceeds the magical power of For example, "magical stones" is an example of this. They come in various colors, sizes and shapes, and are mainly mined from within the body of

    demons and the labyrinth. There is still a lot of mystery in the What they all have in common is that the magic stones have the ability to amplify magic power. Therefore, even with little magic power, it is possible to perform highly difficult magic tricks.

    Other than that, the magical stones that we call magical crystals themselves contain magical power, and them can draw out magical power from them. It can also be used to invoke magic by using it. Although it is a great way to make up for a lack of magical power, its usefulness makes it very expensive, and a beginner It's a good idea to start by getting a wand and practicing accurately adjusting the amount of magic power.

    You can't change the amount of magical power you are born with. However, once the mechanism of the still mysterious magic stone is clarified and its usage is known, the amount of magic power will be reduced. I believe that it is not a dream come true that we will be able to handle magic without worrying about the amount of I have written about magic stones, magic tools and magic power-granting items in my book "Magical Stones and Labyrinths". I encourage you to read some of them, and as an aid to research

    for the development of witchcraft and, ultimately, the advancement of the sorcerer's position. I'd like to have it.


    From this book, you will be able to acquire the knowledge and experience of magic, and all of you will be able to learn the intermediate level of magic on your own. Ugh. However, if you want to learn more then advanced magic, I would recommend going to Lanoa University. You may be able to learn enough from this book for the intermediate grades, but for the higher grades, you will need more than experience and the wisdom of your predecessors. Because we need the that's what we have at Lanoa University. History makes the future. When the readers who take this book can handle the intermediate magic, they will be able to wield magic for the benefit of it. My sincerely come that he is growing into advanced sorcerer.

Translations (Eng/Kor)

  • English

    .... amount of magic power. First of

    all, the amount of magical power refers to the power and capacity that each person can use. Knowing not only the knowledge of magic, but also the amount of your magical power, you will be able to take the first step to becoming a full-advanced sorcerer. You may be excluded from this. This is because the total amount of mana is an innate talent, and that talent cannot be nurtured. In other words, unlike your body's mechanism of increasing physical strength by increasing the amount of exercise, you will not be able to increase your mana by effort. There is no way to train that way to increase the amount.

    It's been confirmed that the total amount of magical power is determined innately, and that just as parents and children have similar faces, their magic power is also similar. If you don't know how much magic power you need to infuse, you can't say that you can use it well even if you have knowledge of magic. Therefore, in order to know your total amount, you need to learn beginner and intermediate magic to know where your limits are.

    That will bring us greater understanding of magic. Over the years, magic has developed in many different directions and new forms of magic have been developed.As the power and complexity of magic increased, the amount of mana required increased, and so did the magician's total magical power and abilities as a magician. As you well know, the two are often considered to be the same.

    However, even if you can't increase your own magical power, you can learn to use the tools that assist you. It is not impossible to use magic that exceeds your magical power. An example of this is "magical stones". They come in

    various colors, sizes, and shapes, and are mainly mined from within the body of demons and the labyrinth. Although there are still many mysteries in the Manastone, they are known to have one thing in common: to amplify the power of magic. Therefore, even with little mana, it is possible to perform highly difficult magics.

    Otherwise, the magical stones, which we call magical crystals, have magical powers and can be drawn from them. This can be used to cast magic. magical stones are a good way to make up for the lack of mana, but they are very expensive due to their usefulness. And for beginners, it's a good idea to start with a wand and precisely control the amount of mana.

    You can't change the amount of magical power you are born with. However, if the mechanism of the manastone, which is still a mystery, is revealed and knowing how to use it, the amount of mana required will be reduced. I believe it would not be a dream to be able to wield magic without worrying about the amount of mana. I have written about magic stones, magic tools and magic power-granting items in my book

    "Magical Stones and Labyrinths". I encourage you to read some of them and they will be helpful in your research for the development of magic and ultimately the advancement of the sorcerer's position. If you were me, I would.


    From this book, you will be able to acquire the knowledge and experience of magic, and all of you will be able to learn the intermediate level of magic on your own. Ugh. However, if you want to learn more then advanced magic, I would recommend going to Lanoa University. You may be able to learn enough from this book for the intermediate grades, but for the higher grades, you will need more than experience and the wisdom of your predecessors. Because we need the that's what we have at Lanoa University. History makes the future. When the readers who take this book can handle the intermediate magic, they will be able to wield magic for the benefit of it. My sincerely come that you are growing into advanced sorcerer.

    AUTHOR : <Invisible>

  • Korean

    우선 마력 총량은 각 사람이 쓸 수 있는 마력의 세기과 양을 의미합니다. 마술에 대한 지식 뿐만 아니라 자신의 마력 총량을 알면 본격적인 마술사가 되기 위한 첫 걸음을 내디딜 수 있을 것입니다. 여러분은 여기서 제외될 수도 있습니다. 마력 총량은 타고난 재능이고, 그 재능은 키울 수 없기 때문입니다. 즉, 운동량을 늘리면 체력이 증가한다는 신체의 매커니즘과 달리 여러분은 자신의 마력량을 노력으로 증가시킬 수 없을 것입니다. 총량을 증가시키기 위해 그런 식으로 훈련하는 방법은 존재하지 않습니다.

    마력 총량은 선천적으로 정해지고, 부모와 자식은 얼굴이 비슷하듯 마력도 비슷하다는 것은 확인된 사실입니다. 얼마나 많은 마력을 주입해야 하는지 모른다면, 마술에 대한 지식이 있어도 충분히 사용할 수 있다고 말할 수 없습니다다. 그러므로 자신의 총량을 알기 위해서 초급과 중급 마술을 배우고 자신의 한계가 어느정도인지 알아야 합니다.

    그것이 우리에게 마법에 대한 더 큰 이해를 가져다줄 것입니다.

    수년에 걸쳐 마술은 여러 다른 방향으로 발전했고, 새로운 마술이 개발되었습니다. 마술의 위력과 복잡성이 향상됨에 따라 필요한 마력의 양도 증가했고, 마술사의 마력 총량과 마술사로서의 능력도 증가하였습니다. 잘 아시다시피 종종 이 둘은 같다고 여겨집니다.

    그러나 마력 총량을 늘릴 수 없다면 도움이 될 도구를 사용하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. 당신의 마력량을 넘는 마술을 쓰는 것은 불가능한 일이 아닙니다. 이 예로는 "마석"이 있습니다. 마석은

    색상, 크기, 모양이 다양하며 주로 마물의 몸이나 미궁에서 채굴됩니다. 마석에는 여전히 수수께끼가 많지만 마술의 힘을 증폭시키는 공통점이 있다고 알려져 있습니다. 따라서 적은 마력으로도 고도의 복잡한 마술을 쓰는 것이 가능합니다.

    또는 우리가 마법 결정이라고 부르는 마석 자체가 마력을 갖고 있으며, 거기서 마력을 끌어낼 수 있습니다. 이를 이용하면 마술을 발동시키기 위해 사용할 수 있습니다. 마석은 부족한 마력을 보충하기 위한 좋은 방법이지만, 마석의 유용성에 의해 가격이 매우 비쌉니다. 그리고 초보자의 경우에는 지팡이를 갖고 마력의 양을 정확하게 조절하는 것으로 시작하는 것이 좋습니다.

    여러분은 타고난 마력 총량을 바꿀 수 없습니다. 하지만 아직까지 수수께끼가 있는 마석의 매커니즘을 밝히고 그 사용법을 알면 필요한 마력의 양이 줄어들 것입니다. 저는 마력량에 대한 걱정을 하지 않고 마술을 다룰 수 있게 되는 것이 꿈이 아니리라 믿습니다. 제 책

    "마석과 미궁"에서 마석, 마도구, 마력 부여품에 대해 다룹니다. 여러분이 저 책을 읽어보고 마술의 발전과 궁극적으로 마법사의 지위 향상을 위한 연구에 도움이 되기를 권합니다. 저라면 그럴 것입니다.

    저자의 말

    이 책을 통해 당신은 마술에 대한 지식과 경험을 얻게 될 것이며, 스스로 중급 수준의 마술을 배우게 될 것입니다. 어. 하지만 상급 마술 이상의 것을 배우고 싶다면 [라노아] 마법 대학교를 추천합니다. 이 책은 중급 수준의 마술을 배우기엔 충분하지만 상위 레벨을 배우려면 선배들의 경험과 지혜 이상이 필요할 것입니다. 그것이 [라노아] 마법 대학이 갖고 있는 것이기 때문입니다. 역사가 미래를 만듭니다. 독자 여러분이 중급 마술을 다룰 수 있게 된다면, 여러분은 공익을 위해 마술을 행사할 수 있을 것입니다. 저는 당신이 상급 마술사로 성장하고 있는 것을 진심으로 환영합니다.

    저자 : <안보임>


  • The translation was done by combining both the English version of TVA/VOD and the Human Language version of Blu-ray.
  • In the case of 10p, I was hoping to see a chorus of "Splash Flow" used by Rudeus, but that wasn't the case.
  • Reading it, it seems that the author is an official of the Lanoa University of Magic, but it's too bad that the author's name is hidden and invisible.

  • 이 번역은 TVA/VOD의 영어판과 Blu-ray의 인간어판을 합쳐서 만들어졌습니다.
  • 영어 번역의 경우, Mushoku Tensei Wiki를 참고해 다른 표현들을 수정하였으며, 한국어 번역의 경우, 정발판 명칭을 기준으로 번역했습니다.
  • 10p의 경우, 루데우스가 사용하는 "스플래시 플로"의 영창을 볼 수 있지 않을까 기대했지만, 그런건 없었습니다.
  • 읽어보니, 저자가 라노아 마법대학의 관계자인 것 같지만 안타깝게도 저자의 이름만큼은 가려져서 확인할 수 없었습니다.


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